Sorrow and sadness Unhappy dark islands For me, it's so sad For you, you will be mad Eternally wounded Reality is scary I feel like I'm going to carry Nuclear missile in my hand Go and stop me before I destroy the land! Nomen Ben Slimene
No one understands All these lofty trees and singing birds This Earth is our Home Understand it , hear it , love it as your mom Reality is sadness End of happiness Jawaher Bel Hadj Hamada (first forms)
Bombs are everywhere! Blood here and there Corpses are near We don't want to be here! I don't find anyone who cares! Children are scared! Women are afraid! We are so tired! These are our words We just wanna live in this world! RANA BEN GHOZZI
Pain and sorrow End dreams of tomorrow And kill our freedom Can't you stop , can't you give up End the killing which scares Men and women's nightmares Allow me my old smile Keep my dream a while Even just for a short time Rebuilding my simple rhyme. Amine Ben Houria
For me it's a treasure like no other treasure A family gives me great pleasure My brothers , my sister , my father and my mother I love them like fresh air in summer Love is our daily food You feel it is good
Like a field in spring I like the family to sing For me and you Even when you are blue! Amine Ben Houria ( first forms 2010)
Learning is the key A lot of practising trust me Normally , this will help you Good pupils at languages you will be Usually , listen more , write more and speak more A good solution for you believe me Great idea I'll tell you , too. Everyday, many exercises you should do So subjects will be easy , this is true ! Sahar Bel Hadj Salah (First Forms)